Category: conference

Nordic Testing Days, Talin Estonia

Test Bash Dublin

Test Bash Brighton

Category: development

Ableye: How I visualized an Ably SDK with Go and Ebiten

Opening The Door To Continous Deployment with CloudFormation

Hello Little Lambda

Writing about the Cloud

Creating My First Web Application with Go

Exploring Data - Creating Reactive Web Apps with R and Shiny

Automating Bacon Sandwiches

How to automate finding pictures of cute cats.

Category: meetup

Golang North East

Doyene Coders

Leeds Test Atelier


Agile North East Lightning Talk Competition

R North East Meetup

Category: random

Why the Problems Occurred

Scary Pumpkin

Test Post 1

Category: testing

Language is Still Hindering Testing and The Hiring of Testers

Test Bash Manchester 2017 Tweet by Tweet

Learning to Talk - Finding your Voice and Telling a Story

Help Your Testers Succeed in 8 Minutes

Foreign Currency Trading Heuristic Testing Cheat Sheet

Deconstructing Test Bash with R - Twitter Mining and Sentiment Analysis

I Did It I Gave My Talk

Test Bash Manchester 2016

A Snapshot of Software Testers in 2016

A Study of Software Testers

The Lonely Tester's Survival Guide

Data Mocking - A Way to Test the Untestable

Know Your Bugs

The Name, Shame and Flame API Vulnerability game

If you have to automate IE10, avoid the Selenium 64-bit IE Driver at all costs

Automating Bacon Sandwiches

How to develop psychic testing powers when dealing with software that has no requirements

Pinteresting Test Automation - JavaScript Edition

A Pinteresting Python Selenium Example

Applying a Soft Dip Heuristic to Software Testing

Tips for staying happy and sane while testing software - Tip #3

Blog Jam Cryptojelly

Mythical Bugs That Can't Be Patched

Please Dont Feed Me Spaghetti Code

Why API's Are Like Takeaway Menus

How to automate finding pictures of cute cats.

When software goes bad, it can go very, very, very bad

Tips for staying happy and sane while testing software - Tip #2

Why new features are a bit like rainbows (and how to find solid gold bugs at the end of them)

Tips for staying happy and sane while testing software - Tip #1

How many tests could a tester test if a tester could test Tetris?

The Essense of Testing